Functional Athletics

FA Olympic Lifting

What is FA Olympic Lifting?

In Golf, biomechanics, technique, speed and timing = power! The same is true for weightlifting.

As with golf swings like the “drive” and “chip,” the “clean and jerk” and “snatch” (aka Olympic lifts) are highly technical movements. They are not the movements typically used by bodybuilders, rather our athletes use these competition lifts to aid their mobility, make themselves more powerful, increase their lean muscle mass, and tax their cardiovascular system. They require flexibility, speed, and power; proper technique significantly improves performance and safety.

New-members deal. 2 months for $299. All classes. Unlimited access!

FA Olympic Lifting Pricing

drop-in fee is $33



(60-Day Expiry)

Prepaid 25-Class Pass


(120-Day Expiry)

All FA Olympic Lifting packages include: