Functional Athletics

FA Row

What is FA Row?

FA Row is a fun, high-energy, constantly changing circuit that uses Concept2 Indoor Rowers in combination with kettlebells, medicine balls, gymnastics rings, pull-up bars, and one’s own bodyweight to deliver a constantly moving, full-body workout.

Rowing can burn over 800 calories per hour and engages 23 muscle groups. It is 60% legs, 20% core, and 20% arms. The off-the-rower exercises are all full-body, strength-building movements with cardio. Don’t worry: there will also be plenty of core and ab work.

Get leaner, and improve strength and cardio with these efficient sessions. Open to everyone and scaled from beginner to advanced.

New-members deal. 2 months for $275. All classes. Unlimited access!

FA Row Pricing

drop-in fee is $30

Annual Commitment



(Paid Monthly)

6-Month Commitment



(Paid Monthly)

No Time Commitment



(Paid Monthly)

PrePaid 15 Class Pass



(90-Day Expiry)

PrePaid 25 Class Pass



(180-Day Expiry)

All FA Row packages include: